5 Must-Have Items on Your Milwaukee, WI, Vacation Rental Cleaning Checklist

5 Must-Have Items on Your Milwaukee, WI, Vacation Rental Cleaning Checklist

With its incredible architecture, numerous outdoor activities, and vibrant cultural scene, it's no wonder Milwaukee, WI, is among the top three large U.S. cities to visit. So, if you own a vacation rental property here, rejoice, as that implies more potential guests are on their way.

However, to make your guests happy, you must ensure your property is clean and well-maintained. Otherwise, you'll likely get one-star reviews.

To get started, follow our vacation rental cleaning checklist. Keep reading to discover what it must contain and other nifty property management tips.

1. What-to-Clean List

Listing the areas you must attend to can help simplify vacation rental maintenance and cleaning. It lets you carry out your tasks strategically since you'll break them down by room or area, such as:

  • Front outdoor area
  • Living room
  • Bedrooms
  • Bathrooms
  • Kitchen

If your property has an outdoor space at the back, such as a rear patio or porch, ensure you include it in your what-to-clean list.

2. To-Do List

You must also have a detailed task list under each section of your "what-to-clean" list.

For example, must-do chores for the living room and bedrooms include:

  • Vacuuming the floors, carpets, rugs, and upholstery
  • Wiping and dusting furniture
  • Removing clutter (e.g., old or tattered newspapers, magazines, and books)

Then, for the front outdoor area, your tasks may include washing exterior walls and fences and cleaning the windows. You should also mow the grass, remove weeds, and prune overgrown shrubs.

3. Cleaning Schedules

Another of the most crucial cleaning rental tips is to set a schedule for your chores. For example, you can wash exterior walls and fences once a year, while yard work must be weekly or bi-weekly.

You must complete most other cleaning tasks, such as vacuuming, before and after every check-in. Especially if your property is pet-friendly or your guests have service or emotional support animals. Regular vacuuming can help minimize fur build-up on surfaces and pet dander on HVAC filters.

4. Cleaning Supplies and Tools List

Include an itemization of the things you need in your vacation rental cleanliness checklist. Here are some examples:

  • Brushes, sponges, rags, and wipes
  • Cleaning and disinfecting solutions
  • Broom, mop, and vacuum cleaner
  • Gardening tools, such as gloves, prunes, and shears

Remember to bring and wear a face mask, goggles, and gloves when cleaning. These can help protect you from exposure to cleaning chemicals and their health effects.

5. List of Replacement/Restock Items

Prepare a list of items that you frequently change or that your guests consume. These include the following:

  • Beddings and bath, face, and hand towels
  • Floor mats
  • Toiletries like tissue paper, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, and conditioner
  • Coffee, tea, creamer, and sugar

Pro tip: Save on consumables (like toiletries and beverages) by buying them in bulk.

Prepare Your Vacation Rental Cleaning Checklist

And there you have it, your guide on what to include in your Milwaukee vacation rental cleaning checklist.

If you can't look after your rentals alone, PMI of Greater Milwaukee can. Our full-service company provides property management solutions, including property marketing, guest communication, and maintenance. We're a locally owned business and part of PMI, a national property management company with over 20 years of experience.

So, if you're ready to simplify vacation rental management, contact us today! We'll happily discuss how we can help boost your rental income.
